Community and Social Services Internships (Soc 399R) Skip to main content

Community and Social Services Internships (Soc 399R)

Sociology Internships and Enrollment in SOC399R

Our Internship Manager is Alison Sondrup, let her help you through the process!

Internships must be supervised by a professional in the field, include meaningful projects, be a NEW experience, be off campus, in person, and allow the student to work up to 135 hours for 3 credits.

You must be hired and registered for the internship class by the add/drop deadline of each semester.

Internship process:
1. Have ideas of what you want to do after graduation so you can connect the experience.
2. Find an internship. Search the internship database for ideas and talk to your internship manager.
3. Once you are hired complete the internship application. After it is approved you will be allowed to register. The internship application opens up with BYU's registration dates each semester.
4. Register for the internship class (online through canvas).

See for more information

Prerequisites for SOC 399R

Students typically do internships during their junior or senior years. The following courses are required prior to starting an internship:
STAT 121 - Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
SOC 300 - Methods of Research in Sociology
Note: SOC 307 - Data Analysis and Presentation is recommended but not required. However, if the internship work will involve some data analysis, Soc 307 will be very relevant.

Financial Aid

Each semester, undergraduate and graduate students who are declared majors in one of the disciplines in the College may apply for a grant of up to $1,600 to help support the costs associated with completing an off-campus internship. Information about applying for an internship grant can be found at: (Click on this link to visit the Mary Lou Fulton Chair website.)

Application Deadlines for Internship Grants

Winter Semester - December 1st
Spring/Summer Semesters - April 1st
Fall Semester - August 1st