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Prospective Graduate Students

If you are interested in joining our Sociology Graduate Program, explore more details about our program below or visit BYU's Grad Studies website.

A glance at the BYU Master's in Sociology Program
Program Requirements

New students are only admitted for Fall Semester.

The Application deadline is January 15th.

Admission Averages

Approximately 8 students are enrolled in the sociology graduate program at BYU every year. Students come into our program from all over the world and from a variety of cultural and intellectual backgrounds.

The averages for the last five years of applicants admitted to the BYU sociology MS program:

  • GPA: 3.66
  • Verbal percentile rank: 71
  • Quant percentile rank: 54
  • Writing percentile rank: 60

Admission Requirements: 

The master’s degree prepares students for two career paths: (1) doctoral work beyond the master’s degree and (2) professional careers at the master’s level as teachers and researchers.

GRE is optional

Additional Requirements

  1. Statement of intent
  2. Writing sample
  3. GRE is optional

For additional info, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, you do not need to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormon” fo "LDS") to receive admission into our program. However, all students, regardless of faith, must agree to the Honor Code and receive and submit an Ecclesiastical Endorsement.

  • The averages for the last five years of applicants admitted to the BYU sociology MS program:

    • GPA: 3.66
    • Verbal percentile rank: 71
    • Quant percentile rank: 54
    • Writing percentile rank: 60
  • While this is not a certain deadline, the Department usually tries to get back to applicants by the end of February.

  • Follow BYU's Net ID instructions here.

  • Follow BYU's Ecclesiastical Endorsement instructions here.

  • BYU offers both on-campus and off-campus housing options for students.

  • Though Brigham Young University allows up to five years for completion of the Master's degree, it is the expectation in the Department of Sociology that all students will complete their degrees in two years. The policy above concerning extensions beyond the University’s five-year time limit are for emergency situations only; students who think they may need such extensions need to be in early and constant contact with the graduate coordinator. The Department typically does not provide funding for any student who extends beyond the two-year mark.

  • The program is made up of both required and elective courses. The full outline of program requirements can be found here and syllabi from previous semesters can be found here.

  • The Department of Sociology offers assistantships to as many students as it can fund each year. Because research is a vital component of the graduate program, most graduate awards given by the Department are in the form of research assistantships. Assistantships are awarded for Fall and Winter Semesters for 20 hours per week and often extend into the Spring and Summer Terms. Additional paid research opportunities often emerge during the Spring and Summer Terms that can supplement students' assistantships.

  • While some of our students enter the workforce immediately after they finish the master's program, the majority go on to complete a PhD program. You can see where former Sociology Graduate Students have been placed with here.

If you do not find your answer here or in the Graduate Student Handbook, feel free to contact us at


Graduate Awards through the Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology offers assistantships to as many students as it can fund each year. Because research is a vital component of the graduate program, most graduate awards given by the Department are in the form of research assistantships. Assistantships are awarded for Fall and Winter Semesters for 20 hours per week and often extend into the Spring and Summer Terms. Additional paid research opportunities often emerge during the Spring and Summer Terms that can supplement students' assistantships.

Tuition awards are awarded after the add/drop deadline in Fall and Winter semester in the first and second year of the program. Award amount varies based on cohort sizes but is usually over 50% of the cost of tuition.

Graduate Financial Support External to the Department

Two types of student loans are available to graduate students who qualify—short-term loans and Federal Stafford Loans. Only degree-seeking students who are making satisfactory academic progress will be considered for loan approval.

For information on awards external to department, contact:

Student Loans
Financial Aid Counselor
Appointments: D-155 ASB
Provo, UT 84602-1009
(801) 422-4104

Application materials and information about eligibility and repayment requirements are available in the Financial Aid Office (see
Students applying for loans must first complete a FAFSA application.

Additional Financial Aid Resources/Sources
There are also other opportunities around campus (e.g. Womens’ Studies, The Kennedy Center, etc.); we encourage you to seek them out. Consult your advisor concerning additional funding opportunities. Please note the deadlines for each award/fellowship. The deadlines for some awards/fellowships may disqualify students attempting to finish the program quickly (within a

Summary of Requirements for MS in Sociology at a Glance

*These requirements are subject to change without notice.

The purpose of the Master's degree in Sociology is to prepare students for doctoral work and to train them as teachers and researchers.


  • Bachelor's degree in Sociology or related field
    • Soc 111 (Introduction to Sociology or equivalent*)
    • Soc 300 (Methods of Research in Sociology or equivalent*)
    • Stat 121 (Principles of Statistics or equivalent*)
    • Soc 310 (Classical Social Theory or equivalent*)
    • Soc 311 (Contemporary Sociological Theory or equivalent*)

      * must be approved through the graduate committee


  • 35 hours total
    • 29 course hours (Students must take 14 hours of required courses and an additional 15 hours of course work with a minimum of 9 hours of graduate sociology credit.)
    • 6 thesis hours (Soc 699R)

Required Core Courses

  • Soc 598R (Pro-Seminar) required for 1st year students (2 semesters)
  • Soc 600 (Advanced Research Methods–Taught Fall Semester)
  • Soc 605 (Multiple Regression Analysis–Taught Fall Semester)
  • Soc 604 (Ethnographic Techniques–Taught Winter Semester)
  • Soc 610 (Seminar in Classical Social Theory–Taught Fall Semester)

Required Tests

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Continuous Registration

  • 6 hours per academic year
  • 2 thesis hours during the semester student defends thesis

Time Limit
You should finish in 2 years or less. Maximum time allowed is 3 years under extenuating circumstances and following a petition to the department graduate committee. To petition for a third year, you, not your advisor, must submit a written statement to the Department Graduate Committee, detailing why you were unable to complete your thesis within the standard two years. In addition, you must submit a new time table for completing your thesis and the program, as well as if and how financial support for the extension will be provided. The Department Graduate Committee will evaluate your petition, as well as your overall performance and ability to meet other deadlines, such as the prospectus defense, when making the final decision on allowing a third year in the program. Petitions must be approved by the Department Graduate Committee before a third year can begin.