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Alumni Survey

The following are highlights of the results for the BYU Alumni Questionnaire for the 2013 cohort as of 2016.

Courtesy of the BYU Institutional Assessment and Analysis Unit


  • Of the respondents, 30% are single/never married and 70% are married.
  • 57% have no children, 37% have one to two children, 3% have three to four children, and 3% have five to six.

BYU and Sociology experience:

  • 55% rated their overall BYU experience as excellent, 42% as good, and 3% as fair.
  • 97% agree that their quality of life has improved because of their BYU education.
  • If respondents had to redo their college experience, 43% either probably or definitely would major in Sociology again, 27% remain uncertain, and 30% either probably or definitely would not major in Sociology again.

Upon graduation:

  • 25% finished a Bachelor’s degree and did not plan for further schooling, 38% finished a Bachelor’s degree and planned on attending graduate school, 22% finished a Bachelor’s degree and were enrolled in graduate school, 9% finished a graduate degree and did not plan for any further education, and 6% finished a graduate degree and planned another.

Graduate school:

  • 100% state that their educational experiences at BYU prepared them effectively for graduate school.
  • 33% of Sociology graduate students reported finishing a graduate degree and their intent to pursue another.

First job:

  • 29% accepted their first job offer before graduation, 36% reported that it took less than one month to obtain their first full-time job, 29% stated it took between one and three months, and 7% said it took four to six months.
  • When asked what was the most instrumental resource for acquiring their job, 21% stated friends and relatives, 21% stated internet and newspaper advertisements, 14% stated internships, 14% stated networking, 7% said the BYU Sponsored Career Fair, 7% stated a faculty member, 7% stated other BYU resources, and 7% declared other.

Current job:

  • 16% are employed full time within the Sociology major, 31% are employed full time outside of the Sociology major, 3% are employed part time, 22% are homemakers/stay-at-home parents, 25% are full time students, and 3% are unemployed.
  • 100% state that their educational experiences at BYU helped them prepare for their current job either fairly or quite well.

2016-2017 BYU Senior Survey

Courtesy of the BYU Institutional Assessment and Analysis Unit


  • Of the respondents, 72% were female and 28% were male.
  • 58% are single/never married, 40% are married, and 2% are other.
  • 92% have no children and 8% have one child.

BYU and Sociology experience:

  • The top three reasons listed for choosing Sociology are as follows:

    • Genuine interest or passion for the subject (66%)
    • Good fit with skills and aptitude (40%)
    • Developing a greater capacity to do good for others (36%)
  • If respondents had to redo their college experience, 62% either probably or definitely would graduate with the same major, 16% remained uncertain, and 22% either probably or definitely would not graduate with the same major.
  • Concerning their overall educational experiences at BYU, 37% described it as excellent, 50% as good, 12% as fair, and 2% as poor.

Upon graduation:

  • 73% had accepted a full-time job offer and 91% of the job offers were located within the United States.

    • Of the job offers located within the United States, 67% are within the state of Utah.
  • The top three suggestions respondents had for BYU are as follows:

    • Encourage more diversity, tolerance, and openness on-campus (64%)
    • Improve advising regarding career selection and preparation (43%)
    • Improve advising regarding major selection and other academic issues (34%)

Graduate school:

  • 11% were accepted by two graduate schools, 44% were accepted into one graduate school, and 44% were not accepted into any schools.
  • 40% stated they would be entering into an academic degree program (arts, sciences, humanities) and 60% stated they would be entering a professional degree program (medical/pre-med, dental, law, engineering).

Anticipated Primary Occupation:

  • Within the first year after graduation, 34% anticipate being employed full-time within the Sociology field, 32% anticipate being employed full time outside of the Sociology field, 8% anticipate being homemakers/stay-at-home parents, 17% anticipate remaining a student (pursuing a graduate or professional degree), 6% anticipate working at another job (internship, self-employed), 2% don’t know, and 2% anticipate other.