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Generally, my current research is focus on the role of cognitive and noncognitive skills for social stratification throughout the life course. Below are a couple abstracts from works in progress with a range of wonderful collaborators:

Current research projects:

Downey, Douglas B., Benjamin G. Gibbs, and Eric Grodsky. “Are Individual Skills Becoming an Increasingly Important Determinant of Life Outcomes?”

Lorres Wan Cheung Jensen*, Melissa S. Jones, Benjamin G. Gibbs and Jonathon A. Jarvis “Adverse Childhood Experiences, Race/Ethnicity, and Suicidality Among Florida High School Students”

Gibbs, Benjamin G., Eliza Allen, Jane Carson Smith**, Devon Winn and Lear Burton**. “The Unfulfilled Promise of Grit: Student Self-reports of Grit and Achievement Gaps in the United States”

Gibbs, Benjamin G., Jonathan A. Jarvis, Lance D. Erickson, Lear Burton**, Can Cheng*, Carol J. Ward, and Ferra Nope**. “The Multi-racial Asian-American Advantage at School Entry”

Hutchison, Brent*, Benjamin G. Gibbs and Doug Wendt“’They Want to Volunteer, but [I Think] They’re a Distraction’: School-Based Parental Involvement as Embedded Practice”

Jane Smith Carlson*, Melissa S. Jones, Benjamin G. Gibbs, and Lance D. Erickson. “Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences, Mental Health, and Behavioral Problems: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Children”

Recent Publications:

2024 Jeffrey, Wes* and Benjamin G. Gibbs. “Unpacking the Gap: Socioeconomic Background and the Stratification of College Applications in the United States.” Research in Higher Education.

Why Does the Black/White Achievement Gap Emerge? The Role of Parenting
BG Gibbs, D Downey 
Sociological Perspectives
Kids These Days: Have Face-to-Face Social Skills among American Children Declined?
D Downey, BG Gibbs
American Journal of Sociology

Early adverse childhood experiences and exclusionary discipline in high school
H Pierce, MS Jones, BG Gibbs
Social Science Research

“Involved Is an Interesting Word”: An Empirical Case for Redefining School-Based Parental Involvement as Parental Efficacy
BG Gibbs, M Marsala, A Gibby, M Clark, C Alder, B Hurst, D Steinacker, ...
Social Sciences

Does Disassociation with a Majority Religion Influence Community Desirability? Evidence from Rural Utah
AN Andre, S Sanders, MR Cope, BG Gibbs
Sociological Perspectives

In the news:

Tech not hurting social skills of ‘kids these days’

Leveling the playing field: Why academic stress is more severe for students from disadvantaged backgrounds