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Generally, my current research is focus on the role of cognitive and noncognitive skills for social stratification throughout the life course. Below are a couple abstracts from works in progress with a range of wonderful collaborators:

Current research projects:

Gibbs, Benjamin G. and Elizabeth Kenealey. “The Academic Cost of Worry and Loneliness among Disadvantaged Children.”

Gibbs, Benjamin G., Eliza Allen, Jane Carson, Devon Winn and Lear Burton. “The Unfulfilled Promise of Grit: Student Self-reports of Grit and Achievement Gaps in the United States”

Gibbs, Benjamin G., Jonathan A. Jarvis, Lance D. Erickson, Lear Burton, Can Cheng, Carol J. Ward, and Ferra Nope. “The Multi-racial Asian-American Advantage at School Entry”

Recent Publications:

Why Does the Black/White Achievement Gap Emerge? The Role of Parenting
BG Gibbs, D Downey 
Sociological Perspectives
Kids These Days: Have Face-to-Face Social Skills among American Children Declined?
D Downey, BG Gibbs
American Journal of Sociology

Early adverse childhood experiences and exclusionary discipline in high school
H Pierce, MS Jones, BG Gibbs
Social Science Research

“Involved Is an Interesting Word”: An Empirical Case for Redefining School-Based Parental Involvement as Parental Efficacy
BG Gibbs, M Marsala, A Gibby, M Clark, C Alder, B Hurst, D Steinacker, ...
Social Sciences

Does Disassociation with a Majority Religion Influence Community Desirability? Evidence from Rural Utah
AN Andre, S Sanders, MR Cope, BG Gibbs
Sociological Perspectives

In the news:

Tech not hurting social skills of ‘kids these days’

Leveling the playing field: Why academic stress is more severe for students from disadvantaged backgrounds