I am a professor of sociology at Brigham Young University. I study nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses, and the legal, cultural, and moral boundaries that separate the two sectors, including how people think about efforts to address social problems. In recent projects, I have investigated the fair trade and socially responsible investing industries, how entrepreneurs choose between nonprofit and for-profit forms, and social movement activism in the apparel industry during the 1990s.
I am also interested in the morals/markets branch of economic sociology. One of my current projects examines how friends and families negotiate relationships in the context of direct selling (sometimes referred to as multi-level marketing).
Here are my Google Scholar
I teach courses in economic sociology and qualitative research methods.
Selected Publications:
Child, Curtis and Eva Witesman. 2023. “The Social Meanings of the Third Sector: How Action and Purpose Shape Everyday Understandings of ‘Nonprofit’.”
Witesman, Eva M., Christ Silvia, and Curtis Child. 2022. “The Enduring Role of Sector: Citizen Preferences in Mixed Markets.”
Child, Curtis. 2021, “How to Sell a Friend: Disinterest as Relational Work in Direct Sales
Child, Curtis. 2020. “Whence Paradox? Framing Away the Potential Challenges of Doing Well by Doing Good
in Social Enterprise Organizations
Witesman, Eva M., Curtis Child, and Breck Wightman. 2019. “Sector Choice and Sector Regret
Child, Curtis and Eva M. Witesman. 2019. “Optimism and Bias When Evaluating a Prosocial Initiative.
Child, Curtis. 2016. “Tip of the Iceberg: The Nonprofit Underpinnings of For-Profit Social Enterprise
* See my shorter commentary on Sage’s “Social Science Space,” here
* See also a modified version at Nonprofit Quarterly, here
Child, Curtis, Benjamin G. Gibbs, and Kristie Rowley. 2016. “Paying for Success: An Appraisal of Social Impact Bonds
Child, Curtis, Eva Witesman, Robert Spencer. 2016. “The Blurring Hypothesis Reconsidered: How Sector Still Matters to Practitioners
Nelson, Kyle and Curtis Child. 2016. “Adding the Organizational Perspective: How Organizations Shape Service Work Abroad
Lovell, Erik, Ke’ala Cabulagan, John McMullin, Brent Hutchison, and Curtis Child. 2015. “Homelessness and the High Performance Cycle: A New Lens for Studying Exit Strategies
Child, Curtis. 2015. “Mainstreaming and Its Discontents: Fair Trade, Socially Responsible Investing, and Industry Trajectories
Child, Curtis. 2015. “Bulwarks against Market Pressures: Value Rationality in the For-profit Pursuit of Social Missions.
Child, Curtis, Eva Witesman, and David Braudt. 2015. “Sector Choice: How Fair Trade Entrepreneurs Choose Between Nonprofit and For-Profit Forms
Bartley, Tim and Curtis Child. 2014. “Shaming the Corporation: Reputation, Globalization, and the Dynamics of Anti-Corporate Movements
Bartley, Tim and Curtis Child. 2012. “Movements, Markets, and Fields: The Effects of Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns on U.S. Firms, 1993-2000
Child, Curtis. 2012. “Chasing the Double-Bottom Line: Fair Trade and the Elusive Win- Win.” In Social Enterprises: An Organizational
Child, Curtis. 2010. “Whither the Turn? The Ambiguous Nature of Nonprofits’ Commercial Revenues
Child, Curtis D. and Kirsten A. Grønbjerg. 2007. “Nonprofit Advocacy Organizations: Their Characteristics and Activities