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Michael Wood

Assistant Professor
Current Faculty

Michael is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology. He joined the department in 2019 after completing his PhD at the University of Notre Dame. Michael received a BS in sociology in 2012 and an MS in sociology in 2014, both from BYU. His research lies at the intersection of several fields, including cultural sociology, theory, religion, and computational methods (network analysis and text analysis). Michael is a first-generation college graduate.

Selected Publications

Michael Lee Wood, Grace Soelberg, and Jacob S. Rugh. 2023. “Making Space Behind
the Veil: Black Agency within a Predominantly White Religion.” Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion 0(0):1-19.

Michael Lee Wood. 2023. “Measuring Cultural Diversity in Text with Word Counts”
Social Psychology Quarterly 00(0):1-22.

Dustin S. Stoltz and Michael Lee Wood. “Grounding Oughtness: Morality of Coordination, Immorality of Disruption.” Forthcoming in Handbook for the Sociology of Morality:
Volume II. Springer.

Sepulvado, Brandon, Michael Lee Wood, Ethan Fridmanski, Cheng Wang, Matthew J.
Chandler, Omar Lizardo, and David Hachen. 2020. ‘Predicting Homophily and Social Network Connectivity From Dyadic Behavioral Similarity Trajectory Clusters.” Social Science
Computer Review. 1-17

Michael Lee Wood, Dustin S. Stoltz, Justin Van Ness, and Marshall A. Taylor. 2018.
“Schemas and Frames.” Sociological Theory 36(3):244-61.

Omar Lizardo, Robert Mowry, Brandon Sepulvado, Dustin S. Stoltz, Marshall A. Taylor,
Justin Van Ness, Michael Lee Wood. 2016. “What Are Dual Process Models? Implications for Cultural Analysis in Sociology.” Sociological Theory 34(4):287-310.