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Scott Sanders

Associate Professor
Current Faculty

Research Interests

Rural Inequalities, Poverty, Healthcare Access, Globalization, Labor Standards, Monitoring, and Evaluations.

Teaching Interests

Soc. 302 Evaluation Research
Soc. 340 The Sociology of International Development


  • PhD, Development Sociology , Demography, Research Methods, Cornell University (2013)
  • MS, Development Sociology , Cornell University (2008)
  • Masters in Public Administration, International Development , Cornell University (2006)
  • BS, International Politics , Brigham Young University (2002)

Honors and Awards

  • Butler Early Career Award, Charles Redd Center (2019 - 2021)
  • Early Career Award, Rural Sociological Society (2017 - 2017)

Administrative Assignments

  • Project Evaluation and Assessment Team (PEAT): Director (2017 - Present)


  • Rural Sociological Society (2007 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Officer, Rural Sociological Society (2014 - 2015)

Courses Taught


  • SOC 340
  • SOC 495R


  • SOC 340


Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entry

Sanders SR. 2015. Rural America. 2015th ed. [place unknown]: Oxford University Press. [Website]

Journal Article, Academic Journal

Brown DL, Glassgow N, Kulcsar LJ, Sanders SR, Thiede BC. The multi-scalar organization of aging-related services in US rural places. The Journal of Rural Studies. [Website]

Andre AN, Sanders SR, Cope MR, Gibbs BG. 2022. Does Disassociation with a Majority Religion Influence Community Desirability?: Evidence from Rural Utah. Sociological Perspectives. 65(2):398-412.

Jackson JE, Cope MR, Sanders SR, Pierce HM. 2021. Privilege and Place: An Exploratory Study about Healthcare Bypass Behavior. Rural and Remote Health.

Thiede BC, Sanders SR, Lichter DT. 2018. Born Poor? Racial Diversity, Inequality, and the American Pipeline. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity . 4 (2).

Sanders SR, Cope MR, Pulsipher. ER. 2018. Do Factory Audits Improve International Labor Standards? An Examination of Voluntary Corporate Labor Regulations in Global Production Networks" . Social Science. 7(6).

Erickson LD, Sanders SR, Cope MR. 2018. Lifetime Stayers in Urban, Rural, and Highly Rural Communities in Montana. Population, Space, and Place.

McKnight ML, Sanders SR, Gibbs BG, Brown RB. 2017. Communities of Place? New Evidence for the Role of Distance and Population Size in Community Attachment. Rural Sociology. 82(2). [Website]

Sanders SR, Muir J, Brown RB. Overcoming Geographic Penalties of Inequality: The Effects of Distance-demolishing Technologies on Household Well-being in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Social Sciences. [Website]

Thiede BC, Sanders SR, Litcher DT. Born Poor? Racial Diversity, Inequality, and the American Pipeline. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. [Website]

Sanders SR, Erickson LD, Call VRA, McKnight MD. 2017. Middle-Aged and Older Adult Health Care Selection Health Care Bypass Behavior in Rural Communities in Montana. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 36(4). [Website]

Thiede BC, Brown DL, Sanders SR, Glasgow N, Kulcsar LJ. 2017. A Demographic Deficit? Local Population Aging and Access to Services in Rural America, 1990–2010. Rural Sociology . [Website]

Sanders SR, Erickson LD, Call VRA, Rugh JS, McKnight M. 2016. Healthcare Utilization in the Heartland: How Healthcare Selection Varies Between Rural Retirement-Age Migrants and Long-Term Residents. Rural Sociology. 81(1). [Website]

Theide BC, Lichter DT, Sanders SR. 2015. America’s working poor: Conceptualization, measurement, and new estimates. Work and Occupations. 42(3):267-312. [Website]

Lichter DT, Sanders SR, Johnson KM. 2015. Hispanics at the Starting Line: Poverty among Newborn Infants in Established Gateways and New Destinations. Social Forces. 94(1):209-235. [Website]

Sanders SR, Erickson LD, Call VRA, McKnight M, Hedges DW. 2015. Rural Health Care Bypass Behavior: How Community and Spatial Characteristics Affect Primary Health Care Selection. Journal of Rural Health. 31(2):146-156. [Website]

Sanders SR, Brown DL. 2014. Escaping Poverty in Post- Socialist Vietnam: Does space matter?. Poverty & Public Policy. 6(4):332-353. [Website]

Sanders SR. 2014. North vs South: The effects of FDI and historical legacies on poverty in Post-doi moi Vietnam. Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 9(2):46-67. [Website]

Sanders SR, Brown DL. 2012. The Migratory Response of Labor to Special Economic Zones in the Philippines, 1995-200. Population Research and Policy Review. 31(1):141 - 164. [Website]


Sanders SR. Primary Healthcare Bypass Behavior in Montana: How Community and Spatial Characteristics Affect Healthcare Selection. Pacific Sociology Society Annual Meeting. Portland Oregon. 2014.

Sanders SR. Does Space Matter? Spatial Determinates of Household Poverty in Vietnam. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 2013.